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          Welcome to Guangzhou Changdu Medical Technology Co., Ltd Chinese

          company Introduction

          Location:Index > AboutUs > company Introduction

          Guangzhou Changdu Medical Technology Co., Ltd., specialized in high-end medical equipment, consumables and reagents, adheres to the "people-oriented" business philosophy and aims to provide clients with solutions.

          Established in 2011, the company is mainly engaged in the agency of medical products in China, related import and export trade, medical investment and R&D, etc. It escorts hundreds of thousands of test-tube babies and serves hundreds of thousands of diabetic patients every year. The company entered the field of 3D printing in 2018, and expanded to infusion management in 2021. We strive to form a closed loop from product agent to upstream industry-university-research cooperation, and from delivery promotion to terminal sales. We keep exploring new ideas and technologies.

          Following the philosophy of satisfying employees and reassuring clients, the company is dedicated to becoming an excellent, responsible and law-abiding enterprise that cultivates and practices the core socialist values, offers top-quality products and services, advocates innovative thinking and craftsman spirit, and leads the development of the industry.

          We aim to be specialized and characteristic in the domain we embarked on after a deliberation. We have been trying to be a humanistic medical enterprise and contribute to the development of medical technology in China.

          The company has been ISO9001 certified in 2020, and has been granted the Enterprise Credit Rating Certificate (AAA) and honored as Guangdong Province Enterprise of Observing Contract and Valuing Credit.

          Honorary Certificate:

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